Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My walls will soon be thanking me

I'm no design expert by any means, so when I saw this tip I fell in love and thought I'd share. Maybe some of you will be saying Duh, I've known this trick forever (and if you are then shame on you for not sharing) but this is brand new information to me. I often change my mind. And not just about my decor but that's a whole other post. I'll buy or make something new and move things around frequently. So this "Secret To Hanging" (I lifted from HERE on a fun fab blog) will be a super time saver. Not to mention all of my mistake holes I make as I attempt to make sure things are level. Anyway check it out and happy hanging.

Hanging Secret
First, take some scotch tape and place the tape at the very top of the frame and run it along the top so that it measures from end to end. Be sure to be as accurate as possible so once you put it on the wall you will have a good idea of where you want the top of the picture to be and how to center it.

Once you have your tape secure and lined up, take a pen and mark on the tape where the nail or screw would go on both ends.

Once both holes have been marked, take the tape off the back on place it on the wall at the proper height you want. Remember, the top of the tape is the top of the frame.

At this point, you can either use a laser level guide or I used a ruler to make sure each hole was 27.5 inches from the bottom of the molding to ensure I have a straight line. When all else fails, it never hurts to eyeball since most walls are not straight from top to bottom.

Place your nails or screws on the two holes making sure you are putting the nails/screws at the same angle for both.
Hang your picture up and make sure your picture is straight. Then remove the picture and pull the tape off. If you're lazy like me, you can just leave the tape up since the picture will completely cover it! With this little secret, you can hang stuff in a matter of minutes!


Anonymous said...

Duh Breanna, everyone knows that!!!!!
I am just kidding, I've never seen that trick but it's a good one!!!!
It will save me a lot of unnecassary holes in my walls.

Heather said...

I make Rich do my hanging when it is "hard" like that! Nice trick though, I hadn't heard of it either. Sometimes I put a dab of toothpaste on the hook things and it leaves a mark on the wall but it doesn't help with the leveling.
Thanks for sharing!

Chelsey Howard said...

You are so funny, just have your hubby do it:) Your job is to buy cute things and his job is to hang them:)

blah, blah by lindsey said...

thank you sooo much for sharing! i always mess up when i hang stuff!

karis stapley said...

Great idea! I'd never heard of that, but its so simple. I'll have to try that out sometime soon. Tape, what a great invention!

Liz E said...

I will need to use that when we move to Arizona in less than 3 weeks! We are relocating to Scottsdale. I am excited to get together with you and let the kids finally play. Call me when you have a chance. 209-573-4534 I can't wait to see you. Liz

Pam said...

Awesome tip Breanna - it seems so simple why didn't any of us think of it?
By the way love the adorable decor that is being hung.

Varney Family said...

After years of swearing and hanging things a billion times to make it 'perfect' - NOW you tell me... I am super stoked about that idea...did it work for you? I'm excited to try it!!

Valerie said...

Nice... Thanks for your wall wisdom! Whoo-hoo!

Alishia said...

My walls also thank you. It makes so much sense. Why didn't I think of that?? I just filled all my "oopsy" holes last week when I redid some pictures. Next time, I won't have "oopsy" holes!! Thanks!

Kurt, Christine and kids said...

Smart I tell you. Thanks for sharing. I still have all the pictures and stuff to hang. That will save me lots of unwanted holes to patch.

Deana & Ryan Bitter said...

You really need to have your own show... how about "Basics with Breanna" or "Great Graham Tips"?!

galbraith's said...

awesome info! marks is usually good and getting that stuff done for me but there are times that i have just done it myself but not nearly as well, so this helps!

Heather said...

I can't believe cinderella is your sisnlaw. We got a cute pic of Sierrah and Madison with her. She is SO cute! She looks like she is twelve.

Renae said...

I just use my mom's famous "technic" ..... a shoe as a hammer and eyeballing it. Which would explain the reason all of my things are uneven. Maybe I'll try your way next time. ;)

Larry & Erica Evans said...

hey you.....It's me....Erica Baird (Evans) from Modesto. I haven't seen you since.....hmmmmm...EFY '95. That's when I first met Liz, but now....we've been sisters-in-laws for almost 10 years. I have 2 girls and still live in Mo. Your family is so cute!!!!!!! I am jealous that Liz is moving closer to you now.

Heather said...

Breanna, where are U? It has been like a day or two and I have not run into you anywhere!!?? ;)

Jewelia Eagar said...

clay and i have been talking about wanting to get together all week!! if you or brandi will host, we'll be there with something good to eat! call us...

Girly Stuff said...

I needed this tutorial like you wouldn't believe! Thanks for sharing!