Tuesday, December 23, 2008

IT'S THE 23rd ALREADY??!!!!!!

I can feel the Christmas noose starting to tighten around my neck! I have a to do list a mile long and not enough time to do it all. Wish I could share more, but I'm off to the depths of HELL (wal-mart with all 3 kids two days before Christmas) Oh, and thanks to our good neighbors the Olsens and Julie's amazing, fantastic and ever delicious chocolate and nut covered toffee, guess what I had for breakfast..... Her toffee is like a drug to me!


karis stapley said...

Mmmmm . . .toffee, oh so good!

Valerie said...

Tell me about it... Where did this month go?? I want it back!!! I need like three more days...or maybe five or six... sigh.

Heather said...

That noose has strangled me a few days ago! I am not sure what is keeping me going?? Can't wait for tomorrow to just RELAX and have fun with the kids. Can't wait to head to UT and there will be no laundry, primary, phones, etc!! :)

SBrooks said...

Yeah for Christmas and the toruous moments we put ourselves through for the good of the family! Go team!

Varney Family said...

The noose strangled me! You'll have to see the picture I took with my camera phone at Walmart with Weston and Blake both asleep in the shopping cart on Christmas Eve finishing up shopping that day... Julie Olson saw us started laughing so hard...it was pretty funny!

Renae said...

Thank heavens for Amazon.com. But of course there was the last minute, "Holy crap I forgot stocking stuffers!" run to walmart.
Wendy Jones gave us some toffee that was like heaven. I found myself glaring at the kids if they even got close to the bag. ;)

Kurt, Christine and kids said...

You lucky duck. We were really missing her toffee this year. Sounds like you really enjoyed it.