Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Note To Self...

When a child asks you for a towel, do not assume it is because you told her to wash her hands a "couple of minutes ago" and she may need a towel to dab the water off her arms...... It may because the "couple of minutes ago" you thought it was, was in reality 10 min ago and a lot can happen in 10 min. Because 10 min in kid word is like an eternity when it comes to opportunities for disaster. For example: your child might have put an obscene amount of toilet pater in the toilet, and since it wouldn't go down the first time (instead of coming to get mommy) she might flush it several times. All the while every time she flushes the toilet it overflows again and again. So again let me reiterate; NEVER give a child a towel unless you're prepared to follow her and over see it's use, because sometimes a hand towel is just not going to do the job. So 7 large bath towels and a little PineSol later my bathroom floor sparkles. Thanks for encouraging me to clean the bathroom Summy!


karis stapley said...

Oh no! Oh my goodness, aren't those days so fun?! Not so fun in the moment, but very memorable!

Wendy Hansen said...

Oh boy, been there done that. YIKES. Yeah, unfortunately when the kids are being quiet it typically means disaster. Sometimes it is worth the price, sometimes it is not.

SBrooks said...

Way to go, add to the love and memories file!

Alishia said...

Oh no!! You're going to need another vacation!

Chelsey Howard said...

Oh you poor thing:( But way to look at the bright side, your floors are clean:) I love it:)

Deana & Ryan Bitter said...

This is so hilarious because a very similar thing happened at my house yesterday. Only it involved a teenager and a whole mess of dark powdered eye shadow on carpets that were just cleaned the day before! See, it doesn't change as they get older, it's just different messes... and they don't ask for the towel, they just get one and try to fix it themselves making matters worse, and then try to cover it up only to tell you about it(can't handle the guilt) in a text message AFTER they get to school! :)

Valerie said...

I have SOOO been there before!! Doesn't it make you feel soo icky to use your towels again?? I always them twice... just to make srue.

galbraith's said...

oh the joys of children, and what wonderful memories they make!
I would LOVE to come and see you guys! only would you kindly pass along to liz that thanks for calling and telling me about the move! i would rather hear about it then read about it! but tell her i love her anyway! and yes i will see what i can do this next year, no promises though.

Tyra said...

Um gross, wish I could have been there to help clean up. NOT!!!!!!!

Renae said...

I love those stories, as long as I'm not the one telling it. I found pancake batter dripped on the floor from the kitchen to the bathroom yesterday. I still have no idea who did it, but they thought wiping their batter coated hands on the towels would be a great idea. Ahhh, motherhood.

Kurt, Christine and kids said...

Have had that happen more than once. Even worse in a 2 story house. I'm always afraid it is going to leak through the ceiling!
Your story brought back memories of Kacee (1 1/2 yrs old) wanting to give her "ELMO" a bath just like she had. Hers was given in the bath tub and she gave ELMO one in the toilet. Gross, Gross, Gross! I think I washed that ELMO 15 times.
These are the best times of our lives, right?!