A little about Emry at age 5
* is my BEST helper
* sooo honest (even when it's to her detriment)
* as SASSY as they come
* LOVES to sing and dance (still tells me she wants to be in a talent show)
* favorite tv shows right now: Scooby Doo, Sponge Bob, and ICarly
* favorite movie: basically anything scary or a Barbie movie
* meal of choice: peanut butter and Jelly (or if she's feelin' crazy...PB & honey)
* meal of choice: peanut butter and Jelly (or if she's feelin' crazy...PB & honey)
* always keeps us laughing, she says some of the funniest things
* frequently colors or draws a picture and then randomly tapes it on my walls somewhere in the house
* enjoys giving talks in Primary (always volunteers) Yay for me ;)
* very dramatic, everything is a big deal and can become hysterical in an instant
* thinks hide-and -go-seek is the BEST game ever
* LOVES to dress-up
* wants to "live with mommy and daddy FOREVER" even after she's married with her own children. (once cried when I tried to convince her she'd WANT to move out one day)
* likes to swim and has become pretty good at it.
* HATES to get her hair done (cries almost every morning)
* LOVES to help cook/bake
* tells stories like no other 5yr old I know (she's very creative)
* still the pickiest eater in the house (we argue every night over how many bites she must eat)
* now has an opinion on what she wears everyday :(
* tells me, sometimes Heavenly Father and Jesus talk to her heart

Hey, I think Chuck e Cheese is great! Much easier than Amazing Jakes cause they hand stamp everybody, so i just sit in my booth and let the kids tear things up. And no one can kidnap them. Probably.
Give Chuck a chance!
Yeah for Emry! I can hardly believe she is 5 already! Yea, we hadn't experienced Chuck E. Cheese pizza/food since we were kids until last month, & yes, we both completely agree - one does NOT go there for the food! That's for sure!
Happy Birthday Emry Bemry! We love & miss you! You're too pretty already! :)
Love, Aunt Karis, Uncle Jace, & cousin Coco & twins
Happy Birthday Emry. Emry looks like your mom and Summer looks just like you!!!
How did I miss this post?! Happy Birthday Emry !!!! and I have to disagree with the previous comment, Emry looks like her daddy :)
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