Monday, November 10, 2008

What the H%#@?!

Over the weekend 99.9 KEZ started their continuous Christmas music! Not that I'm a big 99.9 listener, but seriously we still have loads of Halloween candy. I don't need another reminder of how far behind I am on my Christmas shopping this year! Thanksgiving is still almost 3 weeks away! ONE HOLIDAY AT A TIME PEOPLE! All in all, I just think it's too early! So just a word of caution, STAY CLEAR OF 99.9! At least until after Thanksgiving, then it seems ok.


karis stapley said...

Um . . .yeah, I feel like, lets concentrate on one holiday at a time.
I think it was 94.5 that I heard playing Christmas music the very next day after Halloween! Not 24/7 but in the evenings or somethen like that.

Anonymous said...

Guess who was singing along with 99.9 on Saturday, on the way to the park? CODY!!! He thinks it's awesome, I am tired of it already and it's just started.

Varney Family said...

I think it's total CRAP! My Dad actually had a fit to one of the workers at Sams' because of all the Christams decorations - he tlaked them up and down on how wrong it was to commercialize Christmas when everyone needs to focus on Christ and save their least I'm not THAT bad! But seriously, Christmas music BEFORE Thanksgiving is NOT right!

Jolene said...

I am with you - I will refuse to listen to it until the day after Thanksgiving. I love to turn it on when I am out shopping on black Friday!

Liz E said...

I say wait til Thanksgiving too but heck maybe we should throw up the tree after Halloween. We spend so much time and money decorating for the holiday, might as well enjoy it. It just doesn't feel right coming in from after playing in the pool with it 90 degrees outside and seeing a chirstmas tree. Guess I better get used to AZ. Call me sometime! Liz

Pam said...

Ok I will confess I put a Christmas CD in today because I usually commemorate the first snow I hear about with Christmas music. When I talked to my Mom on the phone she said she had snow so I had to keep tradition. Also it made cleaning my house easier today thinking of family here for the holidays. But it definitely is to early to be playing it on the radio.

Chelsey Howard said...

Yeah I know, I turned on the radio the other night and Christmas music was playing!!! Insane, I agree one holiday at a time, otherwise you aren't even enjoying Thanksgiving, its like its just skipped over! Oh, and I really hope she does write Midnight Sun!! I haven't read it either, I agree with you about only reading half a book, frustrating!

Alishia said...

I totally agree with you!! I'm with Jolene on this one, too. Part of the fun of shopping on Black Friday was finally hearing the Christmas music. Now, it's spoiled because it's already playing.

I do have to admit thought that I tortured my family with a few songs on Saturday. I love Christmas!!

Deana & Ryan Bitter said...

So I'll admit it... I love listening to Christmas music this early. I know, many of you OBVIOUSLY hate it, but I love the feeling in the air when Christmas music is playing, plus I think the month just goes by soooo fast. Now I do hate the commercialized part of Christmas, but the music...ahhh..I love it!
(Please don't egg my house)

Heather said...

I agree with you, I usually tune in the day after Thanksgiving! (NSD) national shopping day is what our fam calls it.

Julie said...

I am with Deana...I love Christmas music. I can see how it would get old if you listen to it daily but I have honestly only heard it once this year. I sang right along to every song and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!!